Balance Sheet beat me to it
Cranky received the same automated email from Senator Durbin that I did. I was going to tear it apart line by line, but he beat me to it. Though he does a fine job of expressing my own sentiments, I wanted to stress this point:
Note: If it turns out that the facts prove I'm wrong about Mr. Durbin being a Nazi, I'll issue an automated email response soon. ("Soon" being defined as "on or around the six day mark.")
Why did this automated form letter take six days to reach my inbox? Hmm? Did your server go down due to volume? Or did you need a few days to formulate a response to your offensive gaff? I don't see a third possibility here, though I'm fairly sure you could explain it to me. I'll check my inbox in about six days.I sent this question (along with a copy of my initial email) to Senator Durbin's new address. After his non-apology apology, I'm not exactly holding my breath. I mean, he is a Nazi, after all.
Note: If it turns out that the facts prove I'm wrong about Mr. Durbin being a Nazi, I'll issue an automated email response soon. ("Soon" being defined as "on or around the six day mark.")