New blog to check out...
My old buddy Angel has a new blog too...
I can't tell you how weird it feels to be disagreeing with my friend on his first political post with MY first political post. But... here goes...
Re: The impending attack on Fallujah
- Okay, I could have told anyone who was willing to listen that this would happen. Once W was back in the White House, we went on the offensive. He's still under the impression that we can win this war with traditional tactics.
- Now, let me just say one thing here: I was against the war. I am still against the war. I was against W. I'm still against W. BUT, now that we're over there, we need to fight the good fight and get our boys out alive.
- What the administration either doesn't, or doesn't want to understand, is that the insurgents are fighting a different kind of war than we are. They're fighting just like our militia would fight if another country came up on our shores.
- The "hearts and minds" argument seems to hold weight, in that if you can get the people to like the US enough, they'll turn in the insurgents.
They are doing just that in Fallujah:
"In Fallujah, where Zarqawi himself is thought to be hiding, there are currently negotiations underway, not with Zarqawi, but with the elders and leaders of Fallujah. The very people I stated earlier that were tiring of the foreigner and his thuggish gang. It seems as though either the city elders/leaders can not or will not hand over Zarqawi. But, when we have to act militarily, it can not be said that we did not attempt to stave off the incursion peacefully.
Additionally, by working with the locals, we are gaining valuable intelligence from those evacuating the city. As soon as we get this intelligence, we are acting immediately."- What we need is a good spy network. People who can get on the inside. A LOT of people who can get inside, to give us information on who the insurgents are.
We've got that. Intel teams are working their asses off in conjunction with the thousands of Iraqi citizens who have come forward to volunteer information. That's how we found Saddam. That's how I came to be riding along with Army Special Forces in raiding a house suspected of containing incriminating documents. (It did.) Citizen tips.
In conclusion, 25,000 "insurgents" surrounded by a sea of 25,000,000 Iraqi citizens (who support the U.S. presence 3 to 1) don't have a chance... maybe a snowball's chance.