The choice....
"Just last week, we lost another nine Marines killed and an equal number of wounded as the result of some ignorant extremists who was able to convince himself that killing himself and as many Americans as possible would send him to paradise where he could finally get his virgins.
Now, their own ignorance and arrogance will be their undoing. They believe that they can hold Fallujah. In fact, they have come from all over to be part of its glorious defense. I cannot describe the atmosphere that exists in the Regiment right now. Of course the men are nervous but I think they are more nervous that we will not be allowed to clean the rats nest out and instead will be forced to continue operating as is. "
before I'll support this one."Fahrenheit 9/11 transformed Marine Lance Cpl. Abdul Henderson into an internationally known war protester. Now it could get him in legal trouble.
When asked on screen by director Michael Moore whether he planned to return to fight in Iraq, Henderson said no.
“The question kind of surprised me, because I wasn’t expecting it,” says Henderson, a reservist who saw combat for about two months after the Iraq war began. “But my answer came from the heart.”
Like LCPL Henderson, I don't want to leave my family again and return to Iraq, but unlike him... I will, if recalled to active duty. I signed on the dotted line. So did he. To our Marines surrounding Fallujah - Go get 'em boys.